This is a Google interview question for software engineer interns from careercup. The following is the thread,
2. Solution
Given the sting as S and 3 smaller string S1, S2 and S3, the solution has O(1) memory complexity and O(N) computation complexity, where N is the size of S. The idea is to go through the string, find the position of S1, S2 and S3, always keep the latest position of 3 and track the best result.
1. Initialization:
* The starting position of idxS1, idxS2, idxS3 in S as -1
* The length of 3 sub-string as len1, len2 and len3
* minLen: the minimal value of len1, len2 and len3
* maxLen: the maximal value of len1, len2 and len3
* The length of S as len
* The result sub-string, result, as S
2. Start from the beginning of string S, idx = 0
3. Check if S1 exists from idx
Go to Step 4, if yes.
Go to Step 5, if no
4. Update idxS1 = idx, and calculate the sub-string if idxS1, idxS2 and idxS3 all >= 0
* The start position of sub-string: the minimal value of idxS1, idxS2 and idxS3
* The end position: the maximal value of idxS1+len1, idxS2+len2 and idxS3+len3
* Swap it with result it is shorter
5. Check if S2 exists from idx
Go to Step 6, if yes.
Go to Step 7, if no
6. Update idxS2 = idx, and calculate the sub-string if idxS1, idxS2 and idxS3 all >= 0
The start position of substring: the minimal value of idxS1, idxS2 and idxS3
The end position: the maximal value of idxS1+len1, idxS2+len2 and idxS3+len3
Swap it with result it is shorter
7. Check if S3 exists from idx
Go to Step 8, if yes.
Go to Step 9, if no
9. Update idxS3 = idx, and calculate the sub-string if idxS1, idxS2 and idxS3 all >= 0
The start position of substring: the minimal value of idxS1, idxS2 and idxS3
The end position: the maximal value of idxS1+len1, idxS2+len2 and idxS3+len3
Swap it with result it is shorter
10, Go to Step 12, if result's length is equal to maxLen
11. Increment idx by 1 until it reaches (len - minLen) and repeat Step 3~10
12. Check if idxS1, idxS2 and idxS3 are all >=0
Return the sub-string of result from S, if yes
Return empty string otherwise
Step 10: the condition only happens when the longest string of S1, S2 and S3 contains other 2. Then the shortest sub-string will be the longest string of S1, S2 and S3.
Step 11: No need to loop until the end of S, because when idx is >= (len-minLen), then Step 3, 5 and 7 will be always false.
3. C++ Implementation
// ********************************************************************************
// Implementation
// ********************************************************************************
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
struct SubString {
SubString(size_t idx, size_t length)
: startIndex(idx)
, len(length)
size_t startIndex;
size_t len;
size_t EndIndex() const {
return startIndex + len;
bool operator > (SubString const & rhs) {
return this->len > rhs.len;
SubString FindSubStringContainS1S2S3(SubString const &s1,
SubString const &s2,
SubString const &s3)
size_t startIndex = std::min(std::min(s1.startIndex, s2.startIndex), s3.startIndex);
size_t endIndex = std::max(std::max(s1.EndIndex(), s2.EndIndex()), s3.EndIndex());
return SubString(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);
void FindShortestSubString(int idxS1, int idxS2, int idxS3,
size_t len1, size_t len2, size_t len3,
SubString& bestResult)
if (idxS1 < 0 || idxS2 < 0 || idxS3 < 0) {
SubString temp = FindSubStringContainS1S2S3(SubString(idxS1, len1),
SubString(idxS2, len2),
SubString(idxS3, len3));
if (bestResult.operator>(temp)) {
bestResult = temp;
std::string FindTheShortestSubStringContainS123(std::string const &input,
std::string const &S1,
std::string const &S2,
std::string const &S3)
if (input.empty() || S1.empty() || S2.empty() || S3.empty()) {
return std::string();
const size_t len1 = S1.size();
const size_t len2 = S2.size();
const size_t len3 = S3.size();
const size_t minLen = std::min(std::min(len1, len2), len3);
const size_t maxLen = std::max(std::max(len1, len2), len3);
const size_t lenInput = input.size();
const char* cstrInput = input.c_str();
const char* cstrS1 = S1.c_str();
const char* cstrS2 = S2.c_str();
const char* cstrS3 = S3.c_str();
int idxS1 = -1;
int idxS2 = -1;
int idxS3 = -1;
SubString bestResult(0, lenInput);
for (size_t index = 0; (index + minLen) < lenInput; ++index) {
if (strncmp(cstrInput + index, cstrS1, len1) == 0) {
idxS1 = index;
FindShortestSubString(idxS1, idxS2, idxS3, len1, len2, len3, bestResult);
if (strncmp(cstrInput + index, cstrS2, len2) == 0) {
idxS2 = index;
FindShortestSubString(idxS1, idxS2, idxS3, len1, len2, len3, bestResult);
if (strncmp(cstrInput + index, cstrS3, len3) == 0) {
idxS3 = index;
FindShortestSubString(idxS1, idxS2, idxS3, len1, len2, len3, bestResult);
if (bestResult.len == maxLen) {
if (idxS1 < 0 || idxS2 < 0 || idxS3 < 0) {
return std::string();
return input.substr(bestResult.startIndex, bestResult.len);
// ********************************************************************************
// Test
// ********************************************************************************
#include <cassert>
void TestFindTheShortestSubStringContainS1S2S3()
const std::string input("abc0123456789aksdfjasd");
const std::string s1("0123");
const std::string s2("3456");
const std::string s3("");
std::string result = FindTheShortestSubStringContainS123(input, s1, s2, s3);
assert(result.empty() == true);
const std::string input("abc0123456789aksdfjasd");
const std::string s1("0123456");
const std::string s2("3456");
const std::string s3("1234");
std::string result = FindTheShortestSubStringContainS123(input, s1, s2, s3);
assert(result == std::string("0123456"));
const std::string input("abc0123456789aksdfjasd");
const std::string s1("0123");
const std::string s2("3456");
const std::string s3("6789");
std::string result = FindTheShortestSubStringContainS123(input, s1, s2, s3);
assert(result == std::string("0123456789"));
const std::string input("sdfa01234ad23456dfad6789abc0123456789aksdfjasd");
const std::string s1("0123");
const std::string s2("3456");
const std::string s3("6789");
std::string result = FindTheShortestSubStringContainS123(input, s1, s2, s3);
assert(result == std::string("0123456789"));
const std::string input(
const std::string s1("0123");
const std::string s2("3456");
const std::string s3("6789");
std::string result = FindTheShortestSubStringContainS123(input, s1, s2, s3);
assert(result == std::string("0123456789"));
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