Monday, 9 January 2017

DSA - Minimal Swaps to Reach Desired Position

1. Problem Description
This is a Google interview question for software engineer from careercup. Here is the original thread, "
An interesting question asked in Google’s phone interview : suppose a row of parking lot with n spots, one of them is empty and n-1 spots are occupied with cars. Only one operation is allowed: move one car from its position to the empty spot. Given a initial order of cars and a final order, output steps needed to convert initial order to final oder with that operation.

Follow up: Minimize steps needed.


{1 2 3 -1 4 5}
move car 1 to empty spot(denoted as -1) will make it {-1,2,3,1,4,5}
push 1 to the output list because you move car 1 to the empty spot

suppose you have a initial order {1 2 3 -1 4 5} and a final order {5,1,-1,3,2,4}, you need to transfer {1 2 3 -1 4 5} to {5,1,-1,3,2,4}, push each car moved into a output list.
- wtcupup2017 December 28, 2016 in United States | Report Duplicate | Flag  ".

2. Data Structure and Algorithm
Let's start from the simple cases. "-1" represents the empty space and "A, B, C, ......" represents the location of cars.
    - One car
        Desired position:
            (-1, A)
        Initial position:
            1. (A, -1) - 1 swap
    - Two cars
        Desired position:
            (-1, A, B)
        Initial position:
            1. (A, B, -1)
                - all 3 out of position, then 2 swaps
            2. (B, A, -1)
                - A is at the same position, then become "One car" case and need 1 swap
            3. (A, -1, B)
                - B is at the same position, then become "One car" case and need 1 swap
            4. (B, -1, A)
                - all 3 out of position, then 2 swaps
            5. (-1, B, A)
                - -1 is at the same position
                - swapping -1 with B becomes Case 4
                - 1 + 2 = 3 swaps
    - Three cars
        Desired position:
            (-1, A, B, C)
        Initial position:
            1. (A, B, C, -1)
                - all 4 out of position - 3 swaps
            2. (A, C, B, -1)
                - all 4 out of position - 3 swaps
            3. (B, A, C, -1)
                - A is at the same position and become "Two cars" case - 2 swaps
            4. (B, C, A, -1)
                - all 4 out of position - 3 swaps

            5. (C, A, B, -1)
                - Both A and B are at the same position, become "One car" case - 1 swap
            6. (C, B, A, -1)
                - all 4 out of position - 3 swaps

            7. (A, B, -1, C)
                - C is at the same position and become "Two cars" case - 2 swap
            8. (A, C, -1, B)
                - all 4 out of position - 3 swaps

            9. (B, A, -1, C)
                - A and C are at the same position and become "One car" case - 1 swap
            10. (B, C, -1, A)
                - all 4 out of position - 3 swaps

            11. (C, A, -1, B)
                - A is at the same position and become "Two cars" case - 2 swaps
            12. (C, B, -1, A)
                - all 4 out of position - 3 swaps

            13. (A, -1, B, C)
                - B and C are at the same position and become "One car" case - 1 swap
            14. (A, -1, C, B)
                - all 4 out of position - 3 swaps

            15. (B, -1, A, C)
                - C is at the same position and become "Two cars" case - 2 swap
            16. (B, -1, C, A)
                - all 4 out of position - 3 swaps

            17. (C, -1, A, B)
                - all 4 out of position - 3 swaps

            18. (C, -1, B, A)
                - B is a the same position then become "Two cars" case - 2 swaps
            19. (-1, A, C, B)
                - A is at the same position, then becomes "Two car" case 5
                - 3 swaps
            20. (-1, B, A, C)
                - C is at the same position, then becomes "Two car" case 5
                - 3 swaps
            21. (-1, B, C, A)
                - Swapping -1 and B becomes case 16
                - 1 + 3 = 4 swaps
            22. (-1, C, A, B)
                - Swapping -1 and C becomes case 17
                - 1 + 3 = 4 swaps
            23. (-1, C, B, A)
                - B is at the same position, then becomes "Two car" case 5
                - 3 swaps

Here is the conclusion to make:
1.If cars and empty space are not at the same position, then N cars needs N swaps to reach the desired position.
2. If empty space is at the same position but all cars are not, then N cars needs N+1 swaps to reach the desired position.
3. If there are cars at the same position, then remove them and reduce N to M. And take the case as of in 1 or 2.

1. Remove all the cars at the same position between initial position and desired position
2. N as the all cars and M as after removing the cars at the same positions
    - return M if -1 is not at the same position
    - return M + 1 if -1 is at the same position.

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